Visa-Versa 3in1

So far these have proven to be my final MTM2 tracks, and they were pretty complex too. For the first time the MTM2 community saw real mountains and tunnels, curved bridges etc, this is the MTM2 track i put most time in.


Disclaimer, the maker of this track will not accept any responsibility for whiplashes as a result of your bad driving habits.

What I mean with this warning that's the rallye version is sort of a head 2 head track with a lot of oncomming traffic, a lot of fun actualy ;-))
Usualy I have no problems with PPL using my Models & Textures, however this track has an exeption to that rule, the statues are not my copyright, they are designed by my good friend Peer Smulders, I recreated them with his permision for this track only, here is a picture of how they shouldlook in real life
As far as I know this is the first MTM track that uses some real art, what took us so long ;-)))))  
Thanks to Enocell for making the railtrack textures, I borrowed them from one of your tracks, SirJames for making the American Flyer, although I think it looks better with french TGV textures ;-)), GuitarBill an Oliver Pieper for making their programs traxx and BinEdit, and Finaly thanks to Winterkill, Phineus, Malibu350, EmceeMart and Kdawg for all your comments on the MTMG Beta Forum  
Also a special thank you goes the MTMG, who made life a lot easier for me with their excelent site filled with info on how to make tracks.
The trucks still have some problems on the Visa-Versa track. I tried very hard to improve them but hardly came close to what I wanted. Just concider them driving baricades;-)  
If you want to know a bit more about this track, you can find it  here